Halloween night creeps closer and closer, so does the anxiety level of us
costume procrastinators! For those of you who still haven't chosen a costume
yet, I've compiled a list of last-minute fixes for even the laziest ladies. Me
included. They may not be the most elaborate costumes in the world, but thats
exactly the point. Most of these ideas only require a handful of materials, a
steady hand and 15 minutes of your time!
1. Zombie Anything. (15-20 mins) Zombie-fying can transform an ordinary old costume
into a spooky Halloween suit! Purchase any "sexy" costume you
can find (Sexy nurse, sexy pirate, sexy maid. You know the drill.) Slip into
your costume, then splash fake blood or dark red paint all over it. Powder your
face with flour for a pale, dead looking effect. Smear blood-red lipstick across your lips. Draw a few stitches and scars across your face. Use dark eyeshadow to get an intense smoky eye, along with heavy under-eye
circles. Don't forget to stumble around and moan like the living dead all night long. There you go, instant

2. Snooki: (30 mins) Channel your inner "Italian" with this quick, easy, cheesy
costume. First things first, bronzer! Bronze your entire face and neck, making
sure to keep an even tan. Come to think of it, an un-even tan works too. Glue on a pair of huge false
eyelashes, and tease your hair 'till your comb breaks in half! Scan your closet for anything leopard print and throw it on. Add a jar of pickles into the equation, and you're good to go! Snooki
isn't the only option, however.
Click here for a how-to guide including every
Jersey Shore cast member!
3. Masquerade Mistress: (10 mins) This simple costume can be worn by even the worst
Halloween procrastinators. Slip on a sexy dress, heels, over-the-top makeup...
And add a masquerade mask. Yep, that's it. You can purchase them at any party
store for less than five bucks. Easy peasy!
4. Beer/Soda Can: (1-2 hours) This costume will take you a bit longer than
the others, but it's well worth it! Find a slinky tube dress, preferably white. Paint your favorite beer or soda's design on the dress, as if it were the actual can. While your
dress is drying, cut a can opener tab shape out of thick cardboard. Cover the
cardboard shape with tin foil, and use hot glue or double-stick tape to attach
it onto a headband. Slip on the dress, put the headband on, add some matching
heels or flats and there you go! For added effect, carry around a can of the
actual stuff. Being a walking advertisement never felt so good!
5. Wind-Up Doll: (15 mins) This clever costume only requires one
easy-to-make prop! Cut out an oversized wind-up doll tab from a piece of
cardboard, as seen below.
Find a way to attach the tab to your back, and that's all you need! Just don't
let anyone wind you up, it might fall off.
6. Peacock: (1-2 hours) An elegant bird makes for an elegant costume. Peacock feathers can be purchased for relatively cheap
from any craft or party store. Buy a bunch, hot glue or tape them all together in a fan shape, and stick it on your booty! Anything green, blue, or purple looks amazing. Look at the colors of the peacock feather, and try to channel those colors in the rest of your outfit. Don't forget the
killer eyeshadow! Swirly cat-eye designs and bright, colorful eyeshadow make this costume pop. Put your costume together and strut your stuff!

7. Killer Bee. (30 mins) Buy a cheap, cute bumblebee costume from your
local party store. To take the ordinary bug ensemble up a few notches, splash
fake blood or red paint all over yourself. Make sure to get some
violent-looking splatter marks going! Grab the biggest knife your kitchen
drawers can offer, and carry it around all night. An axe or any other deadly
weapon works just as well. There you have it, a well executed
killer bee costume. Buzz around town and see how
many people get the joke!

8. Amy Winehouse: (45 mins) I've already showed you a
tutorial for creating a beehive, now let's put it to good use! Tease your hair to your heart's content.
If you're a blonde, pick up some non-permanent black hairspray at your local
drug store in the Halloween section. Use liquid eyeliner to sweep on huge,
thick cat eyes. Wear some chunky hoop earrings with a wifebeater, leggings and
ballet flats. Have a friend draw some fake marker tattoos on your arms, and
you're done! Carrying around an empty bottle of vodka adds authenticity,
but people may find it disrespectful since the singer has recently passed.
It was okay for everyone to poke fun at her constantly while she was living,
but now it's suddenly off limits. Oh, society. I'll never quite understand you!

9. Pin-Up Girl: (30 mins) Time to awaken your ruby red
lipstick from hibernation! Get pretty in front of the mirror by sweeping on
some red hot lipstick, pink blush, cat-eye liner, and maybe even a drawn-on
beauty mark or two. Curl your hair as tight as you can, or just leave the house with your hair in curlers! Scan your closet for any clothes with a hint of
retro. Animal print never fails. Pair your outfit with some fishnet
tights, classy pumps, and a huge flower in your hair. This costume is the
perfect excuse to get all dolled up and get away with it. (Zombie pin-up girls are always a plus, by the way!)
10. Ghost: (5 mins) The king of all crappy costumes, the simplest of
the simple suits... You guessed it, a ghost. How creative! Only take this route
if you absolutely must. Like, Halloween-party-starts-in-five-minutes must. Take
a clean bedsheet, cut out two holes for eyes, and slip it over your head. Boo!