While attempting to organize my messy room this morning, I stumbled across a fake tattoo sleeve my mom and I bought as a joke a few years back. I tried it on and struck a few poses in the mirror. Flexed my biceps. May or may not have blown a few kisses to myself. Anyways! Even though the sleeve is obviously a joke, I actually really liked what I saw.
I'm most deff not hardcore enough to get my whole body tatted. Even though I'm 19 years old and have a bad habit of doing whatever the hell I want, I still like to keep at least one foot on the ground. It's hard enough to get a job nowadays without tattoos, so I'm not going to go overboard and ruin my chances. I'd never ink my face, chest, neck, hands, or anywhere else impossible to cover up. But hey, ink my whole back? Roses on my feet? An old school design on my arm? I'm down for that.
I honestly cannot wait to get tattooed. I've got a teeny-tiny sparrow tat on my hip from last year (My bff got a feather 'cause birds of a feather flock together!) but that's all for now. The big pieces will have to wait. I've already got a couple designs swirling around in my head though, ones that I've been pondering for at least two or three years now. I think it's safe to say that I know what I want, I'm just not going to rush into it like most people do.
Future Tattoo #1
My Oma (grandmother) is the sweetest, most adorable & most German woman I have ever met. Her thick accent and way of going about day-to-day things is so different than most, and she is a big reminder to me of where I came from. She always supported me no matter what. Clipping articles out of the newspaper for me, sending me writing and drawing competitions to enter, knitting me little house shoes, saving candies for me, and all that other cute stuff grandmas tend to do. Yesterday I found out that she secretly knitted me two baby blankets to be saved for my future child because she knew she wouldn't make it 'till then. She was quiet yet very loud, strict but really funny when everyone else turned around and always thoughtful as could be. There's a nesting doll of hers that I specifically remember playing with whenever we visited. Taking one doll out of the other, out of the other... It now sits in our own house, and it will forever remind me of her. I'm really excited to get a nesting doll tattoo one day, just like Oma's with my own personal style mixed in.

Future Tattoo #2
This peacock tattoo was something I randomly found on the internet and fell in love with. Sounds stupid, but I need this beautiful image somewhere on my body! I literally printed this out and posted it up in my room so I could see it every single day & know whether I'd get sick of it or not. The verdict? I still absolutely LOVE this design. It would fit perfectly in the center of my upper back, and it would be an awesome reminder to keep on doing my own thing in life. Shake yo tail feathers.
Future Tattoo #3
A tiny anchor symbol on my right ankle will probably be the tattoo I get done soonest. I am 100% certain about this one, because there is so much meaning behind it. I've pined over this tattoo for years. The anchor symbol represents the seaside city I was born and raised in, it represents keeping myself anchored no matter what, it represents many memories of my childhood on the docks and in the marina with my dad, it represents my love for the ocean, it represents my family and friends, and it represents so much more than that... This is the smallest, yet most meaningful tattoo I will probably ever get.
I may not become the next Kat Von D or anything, but I'm seriously excited to ink my body. I've always loved the look of tattoos and envied the people who had them. It takes courage to go against the current, and I give them props. I'll get there someday.